Balkancar ZARYA plc.
1 Tosho Kutev Str.
5200 Pavlikeni, BULGARIA
tel.: +359 610/53061
fax: +359 610/52603
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In our everyday speech the words “rim” and “wheel” are used to express the same thing. In order to avoid mistakes it is necessary to define the terms clearly.

Wheel is the rotating load-carrying part between the tyre and the axle usually consisting of two major parts – the rim and the wheel centre (called disc for the disc wheels).

Rim is the part of the wheel on which the tyre is mounted and which supports the tyre. It can have various constructions: non-dismountable, i.e. with one component or dismountable, with two, three or four components.

Balkancar ZARYA three and four-piece rims consist of rim base and rings which form the dismountable rim board after the mounting. See also a detailed layout of the terms used in industrial wheels.

A wheel without rings consists of a rim base and a disc welded to it. Super elastic tyres can be mounted to it with special form in the part of the dismounting rim board constructed in such a way to fix the tyre firmly.

To have the right combination tyre – rim you have to see ETRTO (The European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation) recommendations for tyres and rims.
